Sunday, February 12, 2012

Poisons in Our Food | Bizcovering

Poisons in Our Food | Bizcovering

The Bug in Teacher's Coffee

"The Bug in Teacher's Coffee by Kalli Dakos is a cool illustrated book of  simple poems about school. It's really fun to read to my little ones. Hope you have tried to read this.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Music from Adele

Sometimes, I like a little music to go with my writing for motivation. So here is someone I just discovered recently. Check her out.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy,a great lesson to learn.

This book was given to me as part of my training at the Fortune 500 company UPS as a sales rep long ago before I had my kids. I wish I would have had this book in high school because it is so informative and gives great practical advice not just for sales, but for business. 

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Butternut Squash a Healthy recipe

Butternut Squash soup recipe, I plan to try soon.

Forks Over Knives_ book by T.Colin Campbell

I watched the documentary and it was eye opening. I learned more about the food industry that I had no idea. Without ruining it for you, I will say it is well worth the $ to buy the book. Your health and the health of your loved ones is at stake. If you are ill, this might be of interest to you, but I suggest you start here and then go to "Green for Life" by Victoria Boutenko. Check out the link on this blog. 

A Diary of a Friend

My first ebook and a novel I wrote years ago in the late '90s. I am working on book two of "A Diary of a Friend". Only $.99 and 192 pages.

Green for Life by Victoria Boutenko

This is the  book I am reading right now and I can't put it down. I am surprised at how much information is in this book presented in small, easy to read chapters. Looking for a change in your health, start by reading this book. It will help set you up for success.